Our Organization
The Association
The Nenana Ice classic is a non-profit corporation formed by the residents of Nenana, Alaska, for the purpose of conducting an annual ice pool contest under special statutory authority enacted the first state legislature in 1960. The Association was incorporated by the State of Alaska in December 1972. Previously it had operated as an unincorporated association.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of the Nenana Ice Classic Association, Inc.:
...consists of seven members elected in compliance with Article IV Section 2 of the Association bylaws, at the annual meeting of the corporation.
...selects a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer at its first regular meeting following the annual meeting;
...complies with the by-laws of the non-profit Ice Classic corporation with the power to adopt, alter, amend or repeal the by-laws:
...directs and governs the operation of the Ice Classic;
...hires a manager and a bookkeeper;
...approves all expenditures from Ice Pool funds;
...makes decisions on policy and on such essential matters as the salary schedule for Ice Pool workers, the building and raising of the tripod, closing date for ticket sales,
amount of the pay-off, activation of tower mechanism, determination of winners.
The Nenana Ice Classic is a Non-Profit Charitable Gaming Organization.
The proceeds from ticket sales benefit many organizations including but not limited to.
American Cancer Society
Boy Scouts of America KUAC
Fairbanks Food Bank
Nenana Public Library
Nenana Senior Center
4 Scholarship programs
And many other groups
Board Members
President: Darrol Wilcox
Vice President: Willie Lord
Secretary: Suzanne Hill
Treasurer: Brianna Ketzler
Member: Marilyn Duggar
Member: April Harris
Member: Karen Kriska
Member In Charge: Darrol Wilcox
Alternate Member: Brianna Ketzler
Manager: Megan Baker